VHarris Writes

"Release your Inner Expert!"
vharrisprojects is here for you
VHarris Projects: For the Nonprofit Professional
Among my many creative projects is one that is very close to my heart: my work with nonprofit organizations. For over 20 years, I've worked with small arts organizations, k-12 charter schools, community-focused service agencies, and in higher education, delivering quality communications to funders, donors, and constituents. My expertise ranges from innovative program development and fundraising to exemplary team building and growth-centered management— of people, processes, and projects. I love to help organizations and young professionals raise their level of performance and achieve their mission in service to the public good.
At VHarris Projects I share my experience, expertise, and knowledge-based resources to help you improve, grow, and release your inner expert for the valuable work you do. Explore this page for information geared to your career advancement. VHarris Projects for the nonprofit professional is dedicated to your success.
Visit the Resources page for our
Nonprofit Professsional Learning Series
What People Are Saying
Jennifer, Essex, CT
I finally had a chance to watch the recording of the "personalization" webinar and I was blown away. It was wonderful to hear from someone who works as a development professional and really knows her stuff. Second, you made amazing points in a very digestible way.
Nicole, Australia
I am new to the education and fundraising space and just wanted to say how full of golden nuggets this webinar was for me. Thank you! I'll follow you to learn more.
Michelle, Chicago, IL
Your enthusiasm and expertise are inspiring! I'm going to suggest this webinar as a 'must view' for my Executive Director, Communications Manager and Operations Director!
"Release Your Inner Expert" with our archive of best practices
The Expert Communicator
10 Tips for Better Annual Appeal Letters
Communicate Beyond "Please" and "Thank You"
Looking to Attract Major Donors? Do Your Research
Secrets of a Billion Dollar Fundraiser
The Expert Manager
Managing Remotely: How's It Working Out?
When Looking to Diversify Your Development Office, Widen Your Lens
Managing Someone Older Than You
Six Steps On The Leadership Journey of Development Professionals
Position Your Nonprofit For Long-term Sustainability

The Expert Team Leader